Interview with Mike Digg!



What would you be doing right now if it wasn’t for your music career?

 Hmmmm honestly  i dont know where I'd be . My Guess woulda been aiming to be the next Big Meech or pushing up flowers . I got a Tat on my right arm that reads " MUSIC SAVED MY LIFE " its true even though I haven't reached the heights im planning to yet it definitely  gave me a way out . It open doors , relocated me and showed me a new way of thinking . 


How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

The internet  has been a gift and a curse in my opinion  . Its made it easy for anybody to make music and have a direct Avenue to the world . For that same reason it makes it harder for a consumer to weave threw all the bs . And without the mapped out artist development etc like it was before the net its less SUPER STARS but its a hell of alot of stars . All good tho everything changes you just gotta adapt ya kno... work that net and get them mf  streams and new supporters.

What’s next for you?

Next im just gonna drop 2 new videos of my current  project " Thanks forgiving " hit the road again and tour threw the summer . Im also in the process of writing a movie . Im real excited about that its gonna be LIT. Other things in the works but thats all ill mention for now lol

What would you do if your audience looked tired or bored during your performance?

Performance  is everything  i believe a good Mc can do that " move the crowd " i cant say what i would do honestly it kinda just comes to me . I may stop the music and be like "hold df up did yall come to party or sleep " idk lol You just gotta feel the crowd out .

Which skills have you gained that help you perform effectively as a musician?

As for as physical preforming?  Being blessed enough to either tour or have shows with sum other great proformers you learn along the way and add your own sauce lol. If you mean in general alot from doing alot of my own recording and outsourcing the mixing etc to building relationships it all helps to be effective. 

Tell everyone, where to find you on social media and how to support you going forward?

Check me out on all Platforms .. ig ,youtube,spotify etc MIKE DIGG ... No S .. just DIGG only 1 in the world . Drop a couple comments i follow back ✊🏽 #DiggDeep Ejay The DJ Approved Articles 

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